A Foolproof Guide to Advanced Techniques of Fish Farming.


Improved techniques and proper planning of fish farming:

Proper planning is necessary before starting fish farming. A few things in the plan will quickly lead you to success. First, review the points mentioned with your Samather:

>What kind of fish do you farm?

>How long will you cultivate fish?

>Time to breed the market.

>How much money can be spent in total?

>How do resources spend money?

All of these things need to be planned earlier. If you do not have a previous plan, you will have to face several obstacles if you start fish farming. Farmers are forced to lose confidence in fish farming. This results in expected production disruption and budget shortfalls. As a result, the farmer faces losses rather than gains.

There should be a proper sense in digging the pond:

Things to keep in mind before digging a pond

>The environment where the pond will be.


>Flood threat during monsoon

>How much water is there during the dry season?

>If there is a water supply system from outside, if the water decreases

>Slopes and banks of ponds

>How deep is the water?

Digging a pond will be a mistake without a proper understanding of the issues. To do this, it is necessary to follow the advice of an experienced fish farmer and fisheries officer.

Properly prepare the pond:

Before you start farming, you need to prepare the pond correctly. First of all, if the pond is made by science and the environment, one-third of the preparatory work for fish farming will be completed, son-

Drain the pond thoroughly

kill the monster fish

safe water supply

Apply lime/zeolite to the pond

Take measures to accumulate natural foods in the water

Maintain the water supply and drainage system in the pond.

Choosing the suitable chick:

If the breed and quality of the chicks are properly assured, production is continued. Disease-free chicks of the same size/age and produced from quality brood should be collected. Fish farmers need to be safe from inexperienced and unskilled hatchery technicians who cheat fish farmers. It must be remembered that if the seeds are good, the results will be better. Otherwise, don't blame the food.

Care must be taken in transporting and releasing the pups: 

After collecting quality fingerlings and transporting them properly, they must be released into the pond correctly. This is because hatchlings often die at a high rate due to transport errors and improper maintenance by incompetent and inexperienced hatchery technicians before transport. Although many die instantly, the young are so weak that many die within a day or two.

Farmers often do not understand this and suffer greatly. And that is why proper Pona skills must be demonstrated in transportation and hatching. An experienced fish farmer/official should be consulted in this regard. In addition, measures can be taken by talking to experienced fish farmers.

Nursing the kitten properly: 

Fingerlings are collected from the hatchery and released directly into the culture pond most of the time. Once the incubator has picked up the hatchery, the hatchery is not suitable for release. Farmers often suffer from releasing small fingerlings directly into the culture pond. This leads to the death of many chicks due to the farmer being wrong. And for this, the kitten must be well-suckled.

After nursing, if the fry is large and durable, it is better to store them by counting them. Post-hatching feeding management in stocked ponds and other management needs to be well attended to. Especially in the case of monoculture, many farmers have suffered losses by feeding fingerlings directly from the hatchery to ponds, including horn, maguro, koi, tilapia, etc. Therefore, in this case, it is essential to nursing the kitten.

Keeping numbers of foals in stock:

Many farmers make this mistake. They tend to spawn more than the pond area at will. His idea is that the more fingerlings released into the pond, the more production there will be. They are often reluctant to follow the right advice, even if it is given to them. Therefore, the following things should be taken care of:

>How much space is there?

>What is the type of cultivation?

>How about the infrastructure?

>How is the facility for giving water and taking out water?

>type of food

>Period of fish farming

>what kind of fish

If you can determine the quantity of chick stock by looking at these issues, the chances of profiting the farmer are very high. It is essential to ensure more production by leaving a moderate amount of young without leaving too many young.

Skilled in variety selection in mixed farming:

Mixed farming refers to the cultivation of many species of fish at the same time. There are some rules and regulations for mixed agriculture as well. The water level in the pond is divided into three parts. Not all levels contain the same type of fish. And for this reason, in selecting species in mixed farming, fish species must be chosen for the proper use of each level by considering the issue of the upper level, middle level, and under group.

Many times it is seen that the farmers release more fish of one level but do not release suitable fish of another story, as a result of which the farmer needs to get better results. Moreover, fish living at more than the same level starts competing. So fish must be released at a proportional rate to use each class.

It is best to avoid competing for fish species—for example, bottom layer fishes such as bream, mirror carp, and carp. At the time of the free of the young, the young should be released at a proportional rate in the pond. At the same time, you can only go with crabs and lobsters. Lobsters will be damaged if crabs and lobsters are left out. Again, in mixed farming, Rakhusse Sababer fish cannot be left out. If Rakhusse fish is left out, it will eat other fish and destroy them. So it is better not to fish in the monster.

Ways to protect water quality need to be known:

Fish cannot live without water, so it is essential to protect water quality. But it can be seen that many fish farmers are not trying to preserve water quality. To cultivate fish, you need to know the water level. If the water balance is maintained efficiently, various problems can be avoided during fish farming.

Water has ideal pH, alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, ammonia, etc. If the water level exceeds this level or if it is abnormally low, it is a problem. Fishermen can know the water quality by measuring the above levels with the help of a water measuring machine (Test Kit), and experienced fishermen can take actionable measures. And for this reason, every farmer needs to have a test kit.

Doing Quality Food Must Be Provided the Right Way:

Providing quality feed is one of the critical conditions for profitable fish farming. More than 70% of the food supply is spent on fish farming. Experienced fish farmers prepare the food themselves and feed it to the fish. On the other hand, different companies' food is available in the market.

Regardless of the source of fish food, it must be of good quality. Feed must be of good nutritional quality and supplied according to the age and size of the fish. Otherwise, a fish farmer may suffer. Every fish farmer needs to be aware of this. The correct nutritional value of food is known through food testing in the laboratory.

Food should be given in moderation:

The expected production is only obtained if the fish are given more food. Similarly, if more food is provided, a farmer suffers more. This wastes both food and money, the water can be polluted, and fish may die.

Most fish farmers make this mistake. Usually, they need to find out how many fish fries there are, so there are inconsistencies in the food supply. Fish farmers need to supply food in proper quantity. And this is why knowing the average weight, number, and water quality of fish is correct Proper amount of food should be provided.

Regular Weight Checks Shoulds so that Can Keep fish Out of Trouble:

The average weight of the fish must be taken every 10/15 days to determine the amount of feed for the fish farmer. Otherwise, a farmer will never be able to decide on the quantity of food.

A farmer needs to weigh the fish regularly to understand whether the growth rate of the fish is satisfactory or disappointing. So a farmer should take the average weight of fish every 10/15 days and take further action accordingly.

Health care should not be neglected:

A fish farmer's responsibility continues after releasing the fry into the pond and providing food. The principal task of the farmer is to care for and monitor the health of the fish. In case of unusual symptoms or wounds in the fish's body, immediately take necessary measures by resorting to a fish expert or official.

Disease prevention is more important than treatment. It saves fish farmers from damage. Different types of medicines and nutritional products are available in the market. The farmers can benefit from implementing a healthy farming system by using it.

Avoid over-fertilizing:

Organic and inorganic fertilizers play a role in fish farming and natural food production in water. But who can see that many farmers want to grow fish only by applying fertilizers? They believe that they should give no other food if fertilizers are used. And from this idea, they cause danger by applying excess fertilizers in the pond.

Plankton blooms in the water become more extensive and cause problems. At some point, the water in the pond gets wasted, gas builds up, and the fish die. Just needed only then should fertilizer be applied; otherwise, it is not proper to fertilize.

Do not use poultry litter or droppings:

Many farmers think that poultry droppings have food value, and because of this, they use poultry litter only as fish feed. But due to the use of poultry litter, fish farmers face various problems. Poultry litter often contains wood pulp which is not digested by the fish and causes indigestion and bloat in the fish.

Similarly, only trash in the litter causes the same problem. Excessive poultry litter degrades water quality. Ammonia gas in the water kills many fish and requires the purchase of medicines to maintain the quality of the water, which costs a lot of money.

Poultry litter can lead to antibiotics in fish, which is unhealthy. Many developed countries have banned antibiotics, and our government has also banned antibiotics. And therefore, the farmers should avoid the mindset of cheap profit and return from using poultry litter in fish farming.

Use of medicines under proper instructions:

Various nutritional products and medicines are currently available to solve multiple problems in modern fish farming. Different companies are marketing various products in our country. Many times farmers are cheated by buying these products at low prices.

Due to not knowing the correct usage rules, the farmer is not getting the benefits due to not using the right amount. For this reason, the farmer should follow the proper dosage and application rules and know the advanced fish farming techniques. Then the farmer will get benefits.

Fishing in the same pond:

Many farmers make the mistake of catching fish from the same pond for several days. By this, a farmer may suffer. Because due to pulling the net for several days, the fish get injured and stop eating. This results in weight loss and may kill some fish due to injury. For this reason, you should not continuously catch fish for several days and take a break to fish occasionally.

Problems in the transportation of harvested fish:

A fish farmer needs to market correctly to avoid ending up being a loss. Fish transported alive often die due to prolonged transportation or other defects. Fish should be kept in hapa for some time before the ride.

What should stop feeding 8/10 hours before catching the fish, so the caught fish stay alive longer? If the fish farmers are a little careful while cultivating the fish and show skill in every step while developing the fish from damage or losses, You will benefit from being saved.

If a fish farmer follows the above points well, he will never suffer. So a fish farmer needs to know about advanced fish farming techniques.
